
Fields of practice

As specialist international legal advisors, we advise our clientele when buying or selling real estate in Spain, we creatively seek the best balance in estate planning and we process at the tax and administrative levels the inheritance of foreigners with properties in Spain.

Sirejacob’s Legal & Tax team offers you a lot of added value for your purchase of real estate. Not only the language barrier but also all kinds of legal and practical aspects deserve the necessary attention. Our team is familiar with the local legislation and carries out a detailed investigation in advance so that you do not have to face all manner of administrative procedures.

If you wish we can actively help you looking for a property and intervene with the price negotiations.

We also offer assistance to house sellers. Perhaps you acquired or inherited a house a long time ago and now not all the paperwork is in order. Perhaps a swimming pool has been built without the required license or the registration details are incorrect. This may delay or even stand in the way of the proposed sale. By carrying out an evaluation in advance, it may remove the risk of administrative delays to the sale of the real estate.

Estate planning consists of a legal and tax precaution so that you and your survivors may enjoy to the full what you have been acquiring all your life. If there are properties in Spain, the planning must be organized across borders, which usually offers interesting tax possibilities.

We als offer advice on drawing up wills and we process, in practice, the inheritance of foreigners with properties in Spain. In most cases, it is not necessary for the heirs themselves to come to Spain, given that it is possible to sign a power of attorney in their country of residence.