
Real estate

Buying property in Spain is best done through the services of a legal specialist or lawyer. The mediation of a specialist is advisable because in the past in some parts of Spain building regulations have not always been taken seriously, and the local notary doesn't carry out the verification which one expects from a notary in northern Europe.

Sirejacob Legal & Tax gives guidance, verifies, advises and completes buying and selling procedures in a professional way.

In this way, we verify who the real owner is - so you don't proceed to the acquisition of a premises from an heir who has not yet accepted the inheritance - and we verify if the premises is free of charges and any building infringement for which you could be liable afterwards. We verify the zoning scheme for the area and supervise the correctness of the data of the registers office.

If you wish we can also actively intervene with the search of a property and price negotiations. We will be present at the execution of the notary deed and supervise a correct inscription of the premises in your name, with keeping an eye on the subsequent fiscal obligations.

We also mediate at all kinds of administrative procedures concerning real estate, from declaration of the execution of building works to the premise until the verifying and correction of facts in the land register and register information.